A big “Thank You” to Denise James for her year as our President, I know for a fact she went above and beyond in many ways throughout the year.
I am extremely excited, and feeling very positive about our club after attending the Rotary International Convention. I met Rotarians from all over the world, exchanged ideas and was fortunate enough to get their take on everything Rotary. I did serve as President of the Rotary Club of Coatesville 25 years ago and I look forward to helping our Club continue the good work.
One of my primary goals this coming year is to increase our membership, get the word out about our club and the fun and meaningful things we do. I invite anyone checking out this website to click on the “Get Involved” tab at the top, volunteer or send us your contact info if you are interested in joining or just to ask questions.
Here are just a few of the projects coming up this year. We have plans to sell strawberry shortcake during the summer and fall months at First Fridays in Coatesville, collect and provide coats to those in need over the winter, host high school students at our lunch meetings, continue doing our highway cleanup project in the Spring and Fall, hand out personalized dictionaries to all third graders in the school district, develop more mental wellness programs for children in our community and raise funds for our Foundation so that we can award grants to nonprofits in need. We also love coordinating social events, making new friends and having fun, with an emphasis on the fun part.
The Rotary Club of Coatesville has a proud 100 Year history in our community and I look forward to continuing our positive work here and around the world. Please consider joining us as a member, or on any of our projects throughout the year. Thank you to our members for all you do and I look forward to the journey ahead.